Singer and songwriter, the Love Experts

Nick’s music never fit neatly or comfortably into just one category. It had the natural ability to reflect the many facets of the artist, himself, always reaching toward something just out of view.

Most would remember his amazing catalogue of classic guitar songs - distinctively his yet, at the same time, evoking a familiar joy response in the listener. Commit a little further and you’ll get to what was, to him, the real meat of the matter: the poetry.

Anyone who tuned in enough to listen would be rewarded with the best part: the unique inimitable brilliance of his lyrics. Yes, it was a gift, but it was carefully refined over many years.

Given that, it may be surprising to hear that some of us considered his instrumental works to be his most brilliant and timeless work. Water Between Continents was a duo he formed with chosen brother, Brian Reedy, and the two of them composed riveting communications between 2 gifted players, who together melded a sound that veered between a haunting sigh and a crackling electrical storm. Anyone lucky enough to see them knew they were incredibly lucky to have an experience that moved so effortlessly from soothing to throttling, stopping at all points in-between.

Least-heard of all were Nick’s solo acoustic guitar pieces. These truly sublime works are clearly the offerings of a Grand Master, calmly assured and completely mesmerizing, and a final bow for a lifetime of artistry.

Nick influenced so many people with his artistry and musicianship - people whose own works rose that much higher from his inspiration.