DRUMMER: B•Lovers/Turning Curious, Blown, The Jans Project

I was working at the record department at Team Electronics in Decatur, Illinois. It was around 1976 or 77. Nick used to come in and buy records. We started talking, liked a lot of the same stuff and became friends through our passion for music.

Nick wrote stuff all the time, tried different things with different people. He got bored pretty fast. He was constantly writing, constantly wanting to do better.

Nick was great singer. And his guitar playing…you know, you could hear the Stones, Joe Perry, James Honeyman Scott — but he was never copying anybody, he just absorbed these things to come up with his own stuff. That’s one of the coolest things about Nick’s playing— his music didn’t really sound like anybody else’s. He was his own musician, he had his own thought process. The interpretations were his own— his vocals too — it really comes through on the Turning Curious and the Blown record — the vocal melodies are simple, but very individualistic to him.